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Shia Book Rijal Kashi Download: A Unique and Valuable Contribution to the Field of Shia Rijal


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Rijāl al-Ṭūsī (Arabic:رِجال الطُّوسی), also known as al-Abwāb (الأبواب), is one of the main Shi'a rijal books, which is written by al-Shaykh al-Tusi between 423/1031-2 and 436/1044-5. The book contains descriptions of the people who narrated from the Holy Prophet (s) and the infallible Imams (a). The style of the book differs from the author's another book, al-Fihrist, and al-Rijal written by al-Najashi. The names of narrators are put in chapters according to the Imam (a) they have narrated from. In each chapter the names of narrators are arranged alphabetically. At the end of the book, there is a chapter about narrators who has not narrated hadith form any Imams (a). The book consists of 13 chapters and contains description of 6429 narrators.

In his book, al-Fihrist,[1] al-Shaykh al-Tusi has mentioned this book as al-Rijal,[2] and also al-Najashi in his book, al-Rijal.[3] In addition, the subsequent works quoted from this book by the same name.[4] However, Ibn Tawus[5] and al-'Allama al-Hilli[6] mentioned the name of the book as Asma' al-Rijal. Although this name is taken from a phrase in the introduction of the book, it is not accurate.[7] Al-'Allama Bahr al-'Ulum[8] mentioned this book as al-Abwab, and al-Baghdadi[9] mentioned it as al-Abwab 'ala tabaqat al-rijal. Even though the book is arranged in Abwab (chapters) there is no evidence for such names.

Ikhtīyār maʿrifat al-rijāl (Arabic: إختیارُ مَعرفَة الرّجال), known as Rijāl al-Kashshī (Arabic: رجال الکَشّی) or Maʿrifat al-nāqilīn (Arabic: معرفةُ النّاقلین), is a book concerning Shiite and Imami rijal. The book is a selection of a book written by Muhammad b. 'Umar al-Kashshi (d. c. 340/951-2). The original text is not available today. What is available today is a selection of the book made by al-Shaykh al-Tusi known as Ikhtiyar ma'rifat al-rijal. It is one of the four main sources of Shiite rijal.

Ibn Shahrashub reported that the book's title was "Ma'rifat al-naqilin 'an al-a'immat al-sadiqin" (knowing the transmitters of the truthful Imams). Al-Shaykh al-Tusi referred to it as "Ma'rifat al-rijal", and Aqa Buzurg al-Tihrani mentioned it as "Ma'rifat al-naqilin".

The book is one of the most important sources of rijal, which also contains valuable biographical information about the Imams (a) themselves. The main goal of the book, however, is to assess the reliability or unreliability of transmitters of hadiths. Al-Kashshi lived in the early period of Occultation and found it necessary to evaluate and refine hadiths.

No manuscript of the main text of al-Kashshi's work has been found. Available manuscripts of the book are the ones edited and selected by al-Shaykh al-Tusi. After writing his books concerning Shiite bibliography and rijal, al-Shaykh al-Tusi (d. 460/1067) found new materials in al-Kashshi's book, and thus, he dictated a summary of the book to his students in 456/1063-4. The book is called "Ikhtiyar ma'rifat al-rijal" (selections of Ma'rifat al-rijal) because parts of al-Kashshi's book were selected. 2ff7e9595c

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