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Review Of The Book Gulliver Travels


Lemuel Gulliver was a surgeon and also loved to travel. This book, divided into four parts, narrates his adventures travelling to the remote parts of the World. During his travels, he is shipwrecked and washed ashore on an island inhabited by tiny people called the Lilliputians who make him a prisoner.

The first part deals with his adventures on Lilliput. Then the second part of the book tracks his adventures on Brobdingnag where he is abandoned by his companions and found by a farmer. Thus starting his misadventures on this land inhabited by huge people.

review of the book gulliver travels

The book is also a satire on the state of the European government. Swift questions whether a man is inherently corrupt or does he become corrupt with time and company. This book is valid even today and one can relate the events to the hypocrisy, corruption and politics of the human race prevalent in the present times.

Njkinny is a hopeless book lover, binge reader, mom extraordinaire, passionate writer, 2019 NanoWrimo Winner, winner of several writing contests, BOI Recognised Content Creator, Amazon Verified, Top Reviewer on Goodreads, Top Reviewer on Netgalley, and a strong believer of happily-ever-afters. Her sole aim in life is to bring the awesomeness of books in front of the world and she is happy to have already addicted her 6 year old to them.

Next, Gulliver sets sail again and, after an attack bypirates, ends up in Laputa, where a floating island inhabited bytheoreticians and academics oppresses the land below, called Balnibarbi.The scientific research undertaken in Laputa and in Balnibarbi seemstotally inane and impractical, and its residents too appear whollyout of touch with reality. Taking a short side trip to Glubbdubdrib, Gulliveris able to witness the conjuring up of figures from history, suchas Julius Caesar and other military leaders, whom he finds muchless impressive than in books. After visiting the Luggnaggians andthe Struldbrugs, the latter of which are senile immortals who provethat age does not bring wisdom, he is able to sail to Japan and fromthere back to England.

The book was an immediate success. The English dramatist John Gay remarked: "It is universally read, from the cabinet council to the nursery."[3] In 2015, Robert McCrum released his selection list of 100 best novels of all time, where he called Gulliver's Travels "a satirical masterpiece".[4]

While waiting for a passage, Gulliver takes a short side-trip to the island of Glubbdubdrib which is southwest of Balnibarbi. On Glubbdubdrib, he visits a magician's dwelling and discusses history with the ghosts of historical figures, the most obvious restatement of the "ancients versus moderns" theme in the book. The ghosts include Julius Caesar, Brutus, Homer, Aristotle, René Descartes, and Pierre Gassendi.

It is uncertain exactly when Swift started writing Gulliver's Travels. (Much of the writing was done at Loughry Manor in Cookstown, County Tyrone, whilst Swift stayed there.) Some sources[which?] suggest as early as 1713 when Swift, Gay, Pope, Arbuthnot and others formed the Scriblerus Club with the aim of satirising popular literary genres.[7] According to these accounts, Swift was charged with writing the memoirs of the club's imaginary author, Martinus Scriblerus, and also with satirising the "travellers' tales" literary subgenre. It is known from Swift's correspondence that the composition proper began in 1720 with the mirror-themed Parts I and II written first, Part IV next in 1723 and Part III written in 1724; but amendments were made even while Swift was writing Drapier's Letters. By August 1725 the book was complete; and as Gulliver's Travels was a transparently anti-Whig satire, it is likely that Swift had the manuscript copied so that his handwriting could not be used as evidence if a prosecution should arise, as had happened in the case of some of his Irish pamphlets (the Drapier's Letters). In March 1726 Swift travelled to London to have his work published; the manuscript was secretly delivered to the publisher Benjamin Motte, who used five printing houses to speed production and avoid piracy.[8] Motte, recognising a best-seller but fearing prosecution, cut or altered the worst offending passages (such as the descriptions of the court contests in Lilliput and the rebellion of Lindalino), added some material in defence of Queen Anne to Part II, and published it. The first edition was released in two volumes on 28 October 1726, priced at 8s. 6d.[9]

Motte published Gulliver's Travels anonymously, and as was often the way with fashionable works, several follow-ups (Memoirs of the Court of Lilliput), parodies (Two Lilliputian Odes, The first on the Famous Engine With Which Captain Gulliver extinguish'd the Palace Fire...) and "keys" (Gulliver Decipher'd and Lemuel Gulliver's Travels into Several Remote Regions of the World Compendiously Methodiz'd, the second by Edmund Curll who had similarly written a "key" to Swift's Tale of a Tub in 1705) were swiftly produced. These were mostly printed anonymously (or occasionally pseudonymously) and were quickly forgotten. Swift had nothing to do with them and disavowed them in Faulkner's edition of 1735. Swift's friend Alexander Pope wrote a set of five Verses on Gulliver's Travels, which Swift liked so much that he added them to the second edition of the book, though they are rarely included.

Despite the depth and subtlety of the book, as well as frequent off-colour and black humour, it is often classified as a children's story because of the popularity of the Lilliput section (frequently bowdlerised) as a book for children. Indeed, many adaptations of the story are squarely aimed at a young audience, and one can still buy books entitled Gulliver's Travels which contain only parts of the Lilliput voyage, and occasionally the Brobdingnag section.

Although Swift is often accused of misogyny in this work, many scholars believe Gulliver's blatant misogyny to be intentional, and that Swift uses satire to openly mock misogyny throughout the book. One of the most cited examples of this comes from Gulliver's description of a Brobdingnagian woman:

In his annotated edition of the book published in 1980, Isaac Asimov claims that "making sense out of the words and phrases introduced by a waste of time," and these words were invented nonsense. However, Irving Rothman, a professor at University of Houston, points out that the language may have been derived from Hebrew, which Swift had studied at Trinity College Dublin.[24]

In the discipline of computer architecture, the terms big-endian and little-endian are used to describe two possible ways of laying out bytes of data in computer memory. The terms derive from one of the satirical conflicts in the book, in which two religious sects of Lilliputians are divided between those who crack open their soft-boiled eggs from the little end, the "Little-endians", and those who use the big end, the "Big-endians". The nomenclature was chosen as an irony, since the choice of which byte-order method to use is technically trivial (both are equally good), but actually still important: systems which do it one way are thus incompatible with those that do it the other way, and so it shouldn't be left to each individual designer's choice, resulting in a "holy war" over a triviality.[29]

Many sequels followed the initial publishing of the Travels. The earliest of these was the anonymously authored Memoirs of the Court of Lilliput,[31] published 1727, which expands the account of Gulliver's stays in Lilliput and Blefuscu by adding several gossipy anecdotes about scandalous episodes at the Lilliputian court. Abbé Pierre Desfontaines, the first French translator of Swift's story, wrote a sequel, Le Nouveau Gulliver ou Voyages de Jean Gulliver, fils du capitaine Lemuel Gulliver (The New Gulliver, or the travels of John Gulliver, son of Captain Lemuel Gulliver), published in 1730.[32] Gulliver's son has various fantastic, satirical adventures.

I just am finishing up Gullivers Traveld. Our Classics book club will be discussing it this Saturday. I found your review and absolutely loved it! I will be sharing it with our book club and will definitely give you props!

Inspired by the books of Mark Twain at school, Sabari Nath started his habit of reading fiction and adventure novels. Gradually, he evolved to enjoy more nuanced novels like The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and Sophie's World. Having worked for years as a content writer, he hopes to follow his passion for writing novels in the near future!

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Reader and writer, collector and cataloguer. Amateur mineralogist, astronomer, numismatist, philatelist: I have too many hobbies. I'm somewhat compulsive when it comes to book shopping. Fortunately for my budget, there are no bookshops near to my home. Unfortunately, I've discovered the Internet. I started out reviewing books for my own amusement. Now I've decided to assemble them on my own site.

Throughout the novel, Gulliver desperately wants to convince each of his host nations of the merits of his native England and enlightened Europe. Yet each time he fails to convince the people of the land he is staying in that he has any useful information for their local polity or insight into philosophical or scientific issues. Of course, being the expert satirists that he is, Swift uses these four imaginary lands as parodies on the cultural, religious, political, and scientific failings of European civilization. Like any great work of fiction, the book has aged extremely well, and is equally applicable to the deficiencies of the 21st century. Criticisms about human nature and politics tend to hold true throughout the ages as the latter is ultimately a reflection of the former.2 2ff7e9595c

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